On this occasion of World Refugee Day, PLAVU (Platform for Vendors in Uganda) is honored to highlight our collaboration with the Rebuild Program Uganda, dedicated to supporting… .../Read More!
On this significant occasion of World Refugee Day, we at PLAVU (Platform for Vendors in Uganda) are privileged to share our journey in partnership with Rebuild Program Uganda, an… .../Read More!
In Uganda, recent developments and procedures concerning employment, informal workers, and refugees reflect ongoing challenges and efforts aimed at improving economic conditions… .../Read More!
The International Rescue Committee's (IRC's) Re:BUiLD program is looking for people interested in starting small businesses or growing their existing small businesses in Kampala.… .../Read More!
On September 7, 2023, the ILAW Network filed applications to appear as amicus curiae in two cases before the Constitutional Court of Uganda involving the rights of workers in the… .../Read More!
“Working with refugees has proved difficult due to cultural differences and language barrier, how can we address that?” The question was put across by a participant during the… .../Read More!
Awareness about refugee policies, their rights and responsibilities is still a critical area if we are to attain a dignified life for refugees living in Kampala City. A… .../Read More!
Mr. Lutaya Brighton (a KCCA official) has urged host communities in makindye division to appreciate and embrace refugees despite their socio-cultural differences. “There are… .../Read More!
Awareness about refugee policies, their rights and responsibilities is still a critical area if we are to attain a dignified life for refugees living in Kampala City. A mapping… .../Read More!
Vendors have taken to court a petition that challenges their eviction from Kampala City, an order which was effected earlier this year by the former Kampala Resident City… .../Read More!
Communication expert, Paula Fray (Pictured) highlighted that institutions are increasingly engaging with the stakeholders including but not limited to policy makers, CSOs and… .../Read More!